Cố vấn hướng dẫn, Nhà tâm lý học đường, Chuyên gia hỗ trợ sinh viên, Nhân viên xã hội trường học, Nhà trị liệu học đường, Cố vấn giáo dục, Cố vấn học tập, Huấn luyện viên thành công của học sinh, Cố vấn đại học và nghề nghiệp, Chuyên gia hành vi học đường, Cố vấn thanh niên, Người ủng hộ học sinh, Chuyên gia can thiệp học đường, Cố vấn sức khỏe tâm thần, Điều phối viên sức khỏe học đường, Nhà trị liệu sức khỏe tâm thần
K-12 students spend years at school facing situations and challenges that affect their behavior and influence their goals. Sometimes it’s hard to navigate within these school systems, even with teachers there to help. That’s why schools at all levels employ in-house School Counselors!
The role of counselors varies considerably between grade levels, and some counselors focus on certain areas such as academic advising or career coaching. But in general, School Counselors offer wide-ranging support that includes:
- Personal support to help students determine their interests and abilities;
- Career advising, to help students discover and explore career pathways;
- Academic planning support to help students select classes and activities that will help them reach their goals, and;
- Behavioral support for social and soft skills development.
No matter which areas they focus on, all School Counselors are there to help students do well in school – and prepare them for success in the next chapter of their lives!
- Helping students set and reach personal, academic, and career goals
- Collaborating with educators and parents to support student success
- Opportunities to work with diverse student populations
Lịch làm việc
School Counselors typically work full-time when school is in session. They may get part or all of their summers off, depending on the school’s needs.
Nhiệm vụ tiêu biểu
- Help students understand their interests and aptitudes via tests and interviews
- As Kent ISD writes, “Career interest inventories are testing instruments designed to help students learn more about themselves, as well as identify careers that would be a good fit based on their interests. The results of the assessments guide students in discovering more about themselves, as well as occupations that best fit them.”
- Show students how to explore viable career options
- Explain career planning and how education and training tie into it
- Review the role of colleges and college degrees in career preparation
- Advise students on suitable courses that will help them achieve educational and career goals
- Help students understand graduation requirements
- Assist students who are struggling with academic, behavioral, or social challenges
- Devise study strategies to help students get back on track and stay on track
- Provide information about additional resources that may benefit students
- Offer individual and group counseling sessions
- Discuss factors that could negatively impact success in school such as skipping or failing classes
- Educate students and staff about common school issues such as bullying prevention and substance abuse
- Advise students about standardized tests used for college applications (such as the SAT)
- Provide information about how to apply to college, federal financial aid and scholarship options, and the importance of extracurricular activities
- Collaborate effectively with families, teachers, and administrators to provide comprehensive support for students with special needs or unique circumstances
- Review transcripts and track student progress over time and adjust strategies as needed
- Report signs of possible neglect or abuse to appropriate agencies
- Suggest special evaluations to families, teachers, or administrators when warranted, such as special education testing or gifted and talented assessments
Trách nhiệm bổ sung
- Conduct classroom observations
- Draft school-wide policies and procedures related to counseling actions
- Advocate for students’ needs
- Maintain databases and protect private information
- Meet with parents, legal guardians, or other child caretakers to discuss critical issues
- Develop resources and materials to share with families
- Participate in ongoing professional development and training
- Stay updated on educational trends and opportunities
Kỹ năng mềm
- Lắng nghe tích cực
- Khả năng thích ứng
- Advocacy
- Hợp tác
- Truyền thông
- Bảo mật
- Cảm
- Kỹ năng giao tiếp giữa các cá nhân
- Sự quản lý
- Sự đàm phán
- Tổ chức
- Kiên nhẫn
- Persistence
- Giải quyết vấn đề
- Nhận thức xã hội
- Làm việc theo nhóm
- Quản lý thời gian
Kỹ năng kỹ thuật
- Academic planning resources, such as interest inventories, career pathway worksheets, course selection guides, and online career-planning resources (like Gladeo)
- Advising sessions to plan out coursework and future academic goals
- ASCA National Model framework
- Counseling techniques
- Crisis intervention, conflict resolution, and de-escalation techniques
- Data collection and analysis methods and programs
- Diagnostic assessments such as reading and math tests
- Educational assessment tools such as standardized tests (PSAT, SAT, ACT, GRE)
- Program development and evaluation
- Rubrics/scoring guides to assess work based on pre-established criteria
- Scholarship processes, including how to use databases, application preparation and submission, interview practice, and award acceptance
- Student progress tracking and outcome evaluation
- Special needs programs and requirements
- Public and private K-12 schools
- Trường bán công
- Cao đẳng cộng đồng
- 4-year colleges and universities
- Vocational and trade schools
School Counselors play a crucial role in shaping students’ futures. Their work often makes a lasting impact on the lives of young people, which in turn can affect future generations, too.
Counselors are expected to provide comprehensive support, helping learners identify and overcome academic and personal challenges. The role demands attention, empathy, patience, and persistence, especially when there are setbacks or other obstacles. They’ve also got to be ready to deal with pushback from students and prepared to tackle sensitive subjects.
In some cases, intervention techniques might be necessary to help struggling students so they can improve their odds of success. The job can be emotionally demanding at times, but it’s always rewarding to help students work toward positive goals!
One critical trend is the shortage of qualified staff in our schools!
“Schools are experiencing an ongoing nationwide school counselor shortage. Forty-eight states are above the recommended students to school counselor ratio of 250:1,” according to the National Education Association.
Another trend is the increased use of technology in education and student support. Online resources, virtual counseling sessions, and digital assessments are becoming more common, improving accessibility and helping to remove barriers to information.
There’s also a growing focus on mental health and wellness, with counselors playing a key role in supporting students’ emotional well-being. They’re not there to provide long-term therapy sessions, but, as the American School Counselor Association puts it, “School counselors advocate for the mental health needs of all students by offering instruction that enhances awareness of mental health, appraisal, and advisement addressing academic, career and social/emotional development; short-term counseling interventions; and referrals to community resources for long-term support.”
Many School Counselors experienced positive interactions with counselors themselves when they were younger, helping them recognize the importance of the position. Others just grew up with a passion for educational equity and wanted to find meaningful roles in the education system.
- School Counselors generally need a master’s degree in either school counseling or psychology with a focus on career development. Their undergraduate majors may include behavioral science, social science, psychology, or related fields.
- Public school counselors require state approval, via either a license, certification, or endorsement. The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and National Board for Certified Counselors offer details for individual state requirements.
- As ASCA notes, “Counselors are licensed and credentialed by the state where they are employed. Typically, licensure requires documented school counseling education and coursework from an accredited college/university, completion of practicum and internship in a K-12 school, as well as passage of a state or national comprehensive test (e.g., Praxis).”
- Common master’s level courses include:
- Tăng trưởng và phát triển của con người
- Lý thuyết
- Tư vấn cá nhân
- Tư vấn nhóm
- Nền tảng xã hội và văn hóa
- Thử nghiệm/thẩm định
- Nghiên cứu và đánh giá chương trình
- Định hướng nghề nghiệp
- Phát triển sự nghiệp
- Thực hành có giám sát
- Thực tập có giám sát
- School Counselors are generally required to complete supervised internships or practicum experiences in a school setting. These experiences allow them to work directly with students under the guidance of a licensed counselor, focusing on developing skills in academic advising, career guidance, and social-emotional counseling.
- Fluency in Spanish or other languages besides English can be beneficial, depending on the school district’s demographics. Experience working with diverse populations is also beneficial.
School Counselors must also learn how to use various software programs to access, share, and track student information. - Các chứng nhận tùy chọn bao gồm:
- National Board for Certified Counselors - National Certified School Counselor
- National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certifications
- National Career Development Association - Certified Career Counselor Educator and Certified School Career Development Advisor
- For undergraduate schools, look for programs that are accredited and feature the rigorous foundational coursework you’ll need to succeed in graduate school.
- Master’s programs should focus on teaching counselors how to interpret and use data since school counseling programs are increasingly data and leadership-driven.
- Consider if the program teaches the ASCA national model, which uses “data-informed methods to quantify the impact school counselors have on student achievement and success.”
- School Counselors must complete supervised internships or practicum while in graduate school, so review where these experiences would take place (i.e., a local K-12 public school).
- Xem xét chi phí học phí (mức giá trong tiểu bang / ngoài tiểu bang), giảm giá, học bổng và các lựa chọn phân phối khóa học (trong khuôn viên trường, trực tuyến hoặc chương trình kết hợp).
- Review faculty bios, their past work, accomplishments, awards, and current research. Also, peek at the accomplishments of the alumni network!
- Examine the program’s acceptance rates, graduation rates, and job placement stats.
- Participate in school activities where you can hone your soft skills and gain leadership experience.
- Sign up for classes in psychology, sociology, English, speech, writing, and foreign languages.
- Talk with your school’s counselor to ask for advice and mentorship.
- Volunteer to serve as a teacher’s aide.
- Tutor students who are younger or who may need extra support.
- Participate in school activities that allow you to hone your teamwork and communication skills.
- Read up about the ASCA model of counseling.
- Look for internship opportunities in your area to gain experience.
- Educate yourself about diverse student populations to understand their perspectives and struggles.
- Start drafting your resume early so you can keep track of your work and educational experiences and achievements.
- Read through sites and magazines that are dedicated to your profession, such as ASCA School Counselor Magazine.
- Plan ahead for your master’s by looking at requirements early!
Make sure the courses in your undergraduate major will allow you to meet all the prerequisites for both graduate school and a graduate-level counseling program (which may have additional, program-specific requirements). - Join psychology student organizations to make friends, learn, and stay motivated! Popular options include:
- American Psychological Association for graduate students
- Psi Chi, a college student honor society in psychology
- Keep a list of contacts (including phone numbers or emails) who might serve as future job references.
- Read, watch, or conduct informational interviews with School Counselors to learn about their daily duties.
- Learn about the specific licensure or certification requirements for the state you plan to work in.
- Stay out of trouble so you can pass a criminal background check if required.
- Develop a workout schedule so you can stay in shape and manage stress.
- Practice your interview skills before applying to graduate school.
- If your graduate school program requires it, study for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) with prep books and online prep courses and materials.

- Review ASCA’s Standards for School Counselor Preparation Programs, Educator Ethical Standards, and State Requirements & Programs.
- Sign up for alerts on job portals such as Indeed, Simply Hired, Glassdoor, Zippia, and
- Take note of keywords used in job postings, such as:
- Academic Advising
- Behavioral Interventions
- Career Counseling
- Conflict Resolution
- Crisis Management
- Emotional Support
- Group Therapy
- Individual Counseling
- Parent Collaboration
- Student Advocacy
- If doing an internship, inquire about the possibility of it turning into full-time employment.
- Consider moving to towns or cities where there are more opportunities.
- Ask your college’s career center for assistance with resume writing and job placement.
- Let your network know you’re looking for work!
- Put together a counseling portfolio showcasing data and highlights of your achievements.
- Check out School Counselor sample resumes and review School Counselor interview questions to prepare for interviews.
- Impress interview panels with your knowledge and insights into diversity issues impacting the profession.
- Brush up on your terminology!
- Be ready to explain specifically why you want to work as a school counselor, and how you plan to instill student leadership and support equality and inclusion.
- Before giving out their contact info, reach out to supervisors, professors, and others who can serve as personal references.
- Run through several mock interviews with a friend to practice your responses.
- Dress professionally for interviews.
- Talk with your supervisor about career advancement opportunities.
- Improve your skills through further education such as a new certification, a second master’s, or a PhD.
- Read industry publications to stay current on trends.
- Master the various software programs used in the profession, like SCUTA and Canvas.
- Stay active in professional organizations like the American School Counselor Association.
- Participate in school and district groups and committees.
- Stay calm under pressure and practice good self-care habits.
- Build good rapport with students and earn their trust.
- Collaborate effectively with other school staff members and leadership.
- Listen to feedback to identify areas for improvement.
- Take on challenging projects that demonstrate your ability to handle complex tasks.
- Consider relocating or switching employers if necessary to achieve career goals.
Các trang web
- American College Counseling Association
- Hiệp hội Tư vấn Hoa Kỳ
- Hiệp hội Tâm lý Hoa Kỳ
- Hiệp hội Cố vấn Học đường Hoa Kỳ
- Hiệp hội Giáo dục Nghề nghiệp và Kỹ thuật
- Hiệp hội Giáo dục Đại học và Người khuyết tật
- NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
- National Association for College Admission Counseling
- Hiệp hội quốc gia các trường cao đẳng và nhà tuyển dụng
- National Association of School Psychologists
- Hiệp hội nhân viên xã hội quốc gia
- Hội đồng quốc gia dành cho các cố vấn được chứng nhận
- Hiệp hội phát triển nghề nghiệp quốc gia
- Hiệp hội Giáo dục Quốc gia
- NBCC Visions newsletter
- The Professional Counselor
- Vocational Evaluation and Career Assessment Professionals
Tạp chí
- Clinician’s Research Digest: Child and Adolescent Populations
- Educational Psychology for Policy and Practice
- Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice
- Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
- Journal of Educational Psychology
Sách vở
- The American School Counselor Association has numerous titles available, including:
- ASCA Student Standards: Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success
- Bullying and Cyberbullying: What Every Educator Needs to Know
- Career and College Readiness Counseling in P-12 Schools
- Ethical and Legal Issues in School Counseling
- School Counseling Principles: Ethics and Law
- The ASCA National Model Implementation Guide: Manage & Assess
- School Counselor Resource Series:
- Choice Theory: Using Choice Theory and Reality Therapy to Enhance Student Achievement and Responsibility
- Fostering Resilience & Strength
- Mastering Test Anxiety
- Skill Building for Postsecondary Success
- Teaching Mindsets & Behaviors Through Physical Activity
School Counselors play critical roles in student success, but like any job, there are pros and cons. It can be a challenge to work with students sometimes, requiring the right mix of patience, empathy, and encouragement. If a career in school counseling isn't the right fit, consider exploring these related fields:
- Community College Instructor
- Chuyên gia giáo dục sức khỏe
- High School Teacher
- Chuyên gia nhân sự
- Kindergarten and Elementary School Teacher
- Chuyên gia trị liệu hôn nhân và gia đình
- Hòa giải viên
- Nhân viên xã hội về sức khỏe tâm thần và lạm dụng chất gây nghiện
- Middle School Teacher
- Psychologist
- Cố vấn phục hồi chức năng
- Nhân viên công tác xã hội
- Giáo viên Giáo dục Đặc biệt
- Giáo viên Giáo dục Đặc biệt
- Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselor
- Chuyên gia đào tạo và phát triển
- University Professor
Nhấn vào đây để tải xuống đồ họa thông tin
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Công việc nổi bật

Các khóa học và công cụ trực tuyến

Kỳ vọng mức lương hàng năm
New workers start around $68K. Median pay is $89K per year. Highly experienced workers can earn around $118K.